When I was 6 years old, I began to realise that I was different from most children. I was significantly shorter than most of them. I am a specially-abled lady, born with a condition called Achondroplasia (commonly known as Dwarfism). My childhood was marked with incidents of children in the neighborhood and other public places, teasing me and calling me names. Since then, being noticed by children was one of my biggest fears. Few people had told me that circuses, movies, comedy shows, etc were the most suitable jobs for Little People like me.
But unlike what I was told by them, God had a different plan for me. He blessed me with talents of singing and playing musical instruments like the piano and mouth organ. He helped me to complete Music Grades upto Grade 7 in Piano from Trinity Guildhall of Music, London and score a Distinction both in Grade 5 Music Theory and in Grade 3 Singing from ABRSM, London.
I could never imagine myself as a teacher. I was told by a few people that this job wouldn’t be suitable for me, because I would be mocked at, by children. But after having worked in an MNC for 3 years, God did something amazing. He opened up a way for me to overcome my fear and become a teacher.
Standing at 3’7″ inches TALL, I’m now a Music Teacher in a reputed school in Hyderabad.
It’s been 2 years now that I’m in the teaching profession and God has been helping me face my Goliath- CHILDREN.
My experience as a teacher has been both challenging and rewarding. It got better only when I learnt to face these children with confidence, patience and more than anything, wisdom from God.
Till 2017, I used to run away or hide myself from the sight of children. But now, as I become more courageous day by day, this weakness is on the path to becoming one of my biggest strengths. That too with a huge smile.
When I look back now, I’m grateful to God that the fear that gripped me for 20 long years, has now been overcome in His name. God enabled me to come out of my shell that few people’s talk had put me into.
I am confident of this, that He who began this good work in me will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.