Our Social media pages have been flooded with posts about the new song ‘Mahonnathan Neeye’ Ft. Immanuel Henry, Jessica Johnson, and Shabin T. This song is the Malayalam translation of the song “Great are you, Lord.”
Our team had to go give it a listen even though a few of us do not know a word in Malayalam.
And to our surprise, we just got hooked on this song.
Everything about the song was wonderful!
From the beautiful voices of the artists to the sound released by the skilful musicians, from the set to the quality of production, everything was absolutely beautiful.
Most importantly the way the artists hosted the presence of God is something we just can’t stop talking about.

We had a conversation with Immanuel Henry, Jessica Johnson, and Shabin T and we were just waiting to share their heart for this song with you.
Here’s what they had to say….
Q. How was your whole experience shooting this song? Share with us one memorable moment.
Shabin: I had a great time during the shoot. It was an honour to meet all the artists and get to know them on a personal level. Really wanna appreciate the effort of the entire team to make it look good. One of the cool things in the shoot for me was making new friends and the overall experience of being a part of Nations of Worship.
Q. What is your favourite line in the song and why?
Jessica: My favourite line in the song is “Asthikal Paadum”, which means the “bones will sing”.
I get goosebumps every time I sing that part.
I feel that speaks to the dead situations in our lives.
I believe that when people are listening to this song, bones will come to life, situations will turn around and we will sing because we serve a great God!
Q. How has this song ministered to you on a personal level?
Immanuel: What inspires me is the very chorus of the song.
“It’s your breath in our lungs,
So we pour out your praise”
“Nin shwaasam en nenjil
Ennum njan paadume sthuthikal ninakkai”
It’s the fact that it all starts and comes from His breath of life.
We live because he gave us life.
And whenever we sing His praises, it arises from His very breath that’s within us.
This is such an amazing thought as every word we utter is worthy of what God has given.

And we asked all the artists one common question.
Q. What are you believing for the community by the release of this song?
Jessica: I really believe that chains will be broken! We serve such a powerful God.
Like the song says, it’s his breath in our lungs!
What if we actually realized that every time we breathe in and breathe out? I think we would live life differently.
I also believe that the community will live each moment knowing that we worship such an awesome God and that there is nothing else and no one else that even comes close to his greatness!
Shabin: I’m believing that through this song people would encounter God in a special way. There are so many reasons to praise God and if you’re alive and breathing today it’s a big reason, not to mention all the fabulous things God does in our lives. He’s worthy of our praise and we should not be quiet but join with all creation to worship Him.
Immanuel: The NOW team has done a fantastic job in delivering the Malayalam version of ‘Great are You Lord’ in such excellence. I think the awareness of God’s greatness is the spark from which a person starts to worship Him. And I believe this song will minister to more people out there, especially the Malayalam speaking population, inspiring them of the greatness of this powerfully gracious God.
If you haven’t heard this song yet, just click below and hear it right away!