What’s on the charts?

There’s so much good music being released in the Christian space and we wanted to make sure that you have heard these 5 new releases.

Before you give these songs a listen, let’s talk a little bit about supporting artists in the Christian world.

I read this quote sometime ago, it says

“the Christian painter or poet, sculptor or dancer, singer or musician is regularly regarded as something of a curiosity, to be tolerated, humoured even, maybe even allowed to put on a show once in a while.

But the idea that they are, or could be, anything more than that – that they have a vocation to re-imagine and re-express the beauty of God, to lift our sights and change our vision of reality – is often not even considered.”

I hope this is not the case with us.

These artists are another expression of God’s beauty, creativity and love. We not just support them, but also love and honor them and encourage them to continue doing the good work they are called to do.

Now go give these songs a listen!

1. Ek – Thanga Selvam ft Daniel Quadros –

This song is a powerful declaration of unity over our land! Together we are stronger and together we will further His Kingdom here on earth.

2. Communion – Robin william ft. Poline Ivy –

This beautiful song is an invitation to realise the need to build a relationship with God is greater than our fears and dreams of the future.

3. Tu Hi Meri Chahat by Jaago Music –

This song will get you on your feet, giving God all the praise because He is worth it!

4. Jeevan Se badkar- APC music ft. Prakruthi Angelina and Allen Ganta –

This song talks about how God’s love is better than life.

This song will just bring you to your knees in surrender to his beautiful love.

5. Zinda Hoon Main: Nations of Worship ft. Joseph Raj Allam, Akshay Matthews and Gwen Dias –

Put your dancing shoes on to this one!

This song talks about how God called us out of the darkness into His glorious day.

Isn’t that enough reason to rejoice?

Tell us how these songs ministered to you!

Drop your answers in the comment section.

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