This is my story. So in college, I was very passionate about joining the army. I went for the selection procedure and by God’s grace got selected. Then miraculously I cleared my medicals. I already started thinking I’ve become an officer, but little did I know that this is just the beginning. I went to academy, and then started 18 months of excruciating training. The initial few months, I’d spend my nights in tears and feeling depressed. My mom gave me a promise, Phil 4.13, and I believed that I could do all things through his strength. I was initially very weak in my physical tests, but I passed them very easily bcoz of God’s grace. In my 2nd term I suffered a back injury. It was painful, but I felt even more pain knowing that I’d get relegated. But when God is leading the way, there can be no failures. Even with the injury, I passed my tests. On 13 June 15, I passed out from Indian Military Academy, Dehradun as Lieutenant Jeremiah Samuel. And when I look back, my 18 months were completely led by God, and God alone.
I joined the army because I wanted to serve this country. But even more because I wanted to testify to the people serving with me. This is my version of laboring in God’s kingdom by being a witness for him in the army. This whole nation deserves to be saved and this is where I make a difference by God’s power.
Our belief to save this country led me and my friend, Ricky, to think on how to integrate the national church community. And that gives the genesis of this page, Outcast. One fine day, we shared our views on using social media to bring together the Christian community in this country and as God would have it, we both had the same idea in our minds. In faith we started this page and today, by prayers and support of people across the global, we are growing at a tremendous pace. Kindly continue to pray, share and subscribe to the page. All glory to God!