At the Outcast office, we were watching S.O.A.R Kochi online and we were so moved by what God was doing we wanted to know more and also share the vision with all of you.
We also wished that we could be there in person but nevertheless, we felt God did something significant in that land and also in our hearts.

S.O.A.R. (Sound of an Army Rising) is a movement toward igniting the hearts of worshippers worldwide to release their Sound and take over the Land for Jesus.
The Book of Revelation talks about the glorious, non-stop worship resounding in Heaven.
In Leviticus, we see God’s desire to keep the fire on the altar burning night and day as He instructs the priests to be vigilant in doing so. The priests were to carry the presence of the Lord, minister to Him and bless His name.
God has laid upon the hearts of the leaders of Face2Face Foundation to raise up an army of royal priests in this land who would keep the flame of worship alive in their hearts; who would be carriers of God’s mighty presence and would minister unto Him.
Their prayer is that the body of believers in this nation will all come together to worship our Lord Jesus Christ in one accord and be a part of this movement.
We asked a few people to share their experience at S.O.A.R with us and here is what they had to say…

Ps. Danny Joash:
SOAR has been an amazing experience for all of us at Petra. I felt that God has released so much over this city, over the land of Kerala.
Just like Ray cha and the team had a vision about re-digging the wells I believe that it clearly has happened.
A new culture of worship was exposed to Kerala.
A lot of people witnessed a selfless, Jesus centred worship. It was just completely about Jesus.
The presence of God was so full and powerful in the room, many people were touched and delivered, some dedicated their lives, and some re-dedicated their lives to ministry. It was just amazing!
SOAR was a huge blessing to all of us.
Kerala has a legacy of strong worship culture that has deteriorated over the last years and I believe that God used SOAR to restore the worship legacy that Kerala holds. And finally, I felt that God was releasing spiritual blessings over the whole nation of India.
Abigail Marsh:
As a foreigner coming to Kerala for the first time I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had heard a lot about how traditional people were. I wondered how a team of 50 F2f members would fit in and how God would be able to move…
Oh, how he moved!!! We watched as He restored what the enemy had stolen. The first moment I saw only Malayalis flagging, 10 of them at the same time, I was moved to tears!
Seeing freedom in people who have been held down all their lives was amazing.
I felt blessed and honoured to be able to watch Him move yet again. He is faithful and never fails to surprise us.
I feel like as a F2f we are privileged to get to pray for a place as we prepare for a SOAR and then wait for God to surprise us! There are several moments when I just look around me and smile in awe of what God is doing
Justin Xavier:
Being at Soar Kochi made me realize how mindful God is of every land and every people. Just looking at people worshipping and longing for more of Jesus and never wanting to leave the room just left me in awe.
It wasn’t just a worship event, it is a movement and a movement that is gonna lead this land to revival.
Like there is clearly so much that happened and I have waited for 3 years for this SOAR to happen because I wanted to see things change.
It was more beautiful than I expected, it was so Intense. This time I could just sit and receive.
There were so many people who didn’t know Malayalam but I saw them being ministered. I saw very clearly God’s glory and love hovering over the land and this time people couldn’t ignore it.
Apparently, our bond within the team and with the people of Kochi just became so beautiful.
God is building His family!
Kochi SOAR has constantly helped me to be a lover of Jesus every moment. It was new and refreshing to my soul. The power of the name of Jesus was heard in the unhealed parts of my life.
I know that I am not alone even though the world may fall. I have been in deep intimacy with Jesus where I could see HIS face and touch HIS heart.
There is nothing else I would pursue than HIS holy presence.
After hearing these experiences and testimonies we so want a S.O.A.R right here in Hyderabad. What a joy it would be to the Father to see his children come together and worship him in spirit and in truth; undivided by denominations, culture, theology, mindsets.. just worship God as one body; Wow! What an honour!
If you wish to have a S.O.A.R in your city, reach out to Face to Face Foundation on Instagram.
@f2ffoundation delhi